المحترف الثاني
شبيبة سكيكدة بحراوي: “إفتيسان زرع فيّ الثقة ويعاملني كأب وأخ ومدرب في آن واحد”
كشف المدافع الأيمن الشاب لفريق شبيبة سكيكدة حسام بحراوي لجريدة المحترف عن نيته في المساهمة للعب ورقة الصعود هذا الموسم…
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الفوضى .. اسم لاي نظام يولد ارتباكاً في عقولنا
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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ليست الحرية غياب الالتزامات انما القدرة على اختيار ما هو أفضل
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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إن اللغة مظهر من مظاهر الابتكار في الأمة
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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سيد نفسه من لا سيد له
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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ليس من المنطق أن تتباهى بالحرية و أنت مكبل بقيود المنطق
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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حيث تكون الحرية يكون الوطن
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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ليس من المنطق أن تتباهى بالحرية و أنت مكبل بقيود المنطق
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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إذا تكلمت بالكلمة ملكتك وإذا لم تتكلم بها ملكتها
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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تنتهي حريتك عندما تمس يدك الممدودة أنف رجل آخر
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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يولد الانسان حرا ، و لكنه في كل مكان يجر سلاسل الاستعباد
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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عندما لا ندري ما هي الحياة ، كيف يمكننا أن نعرف ما هو الموت
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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زيادة القول تحكي النقص في العمل ومنطق المرء قد يهديه للزلل
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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لا تطلقن القول في غير بصر إن اللسان غير مأمون الضرر
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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والمرء ليس بصادق في قوله حتى يؤيد قوله بفعاله
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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الذي لا يلمع في النهار، يلمع في الليل
DENVER — The Denver Broncos have had moments this season when their defense has shown frustration after games, but things…
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